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How long does kimchi last

How long does kimchi last?

Have you purchased Kimchi after seeing it in a Korean movie but want to wait to eat it? If yes, then we would suggest you store it.
But keep in mind how long does Kimchi last in the fridge or freezer. If you’re unaware of that, too, then read this article till the end because we’ll explain everything about the shelf life of Kimchi in detail. 


Does Kimchi Go Bad?

  • No, kimchi does not usually go bad. It can, however, spoil if it is not stored in a cool, dry place. Spoiled kimchi will smell rank and taste sour.
    If you have any doubts about whether your kimchi has gone bad, it’s best to throw it out rather than risk getting sick.

How Long Does Kimchi Go Bad In The Fridge?

  • The general consensus is that kimchi will stay fresh for about two weeks in the fridge. However, you can extend the shelf life of your kimchi by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the jar.
    This will help to kill off any harmful bacteria and keep your kimchi tasting fresh for an extra week or so.