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How Long Does Bacon Grease Last?

Anyone who has cooked bacon knows that it leaves behind a fair amount of grease. But how long does bacon grease last?

And is it safe to use for other cooking purposes? The answer, however, may surprise you. Bacon grease has a surprisingly long shelf life.

In this blog post, we will discuss the shelf life of bacon grease and how to store it properly. We will also provide some tips on how to use bacon grease in your cooking. So, let’s begin.

Does Bacon Grease Go Bad?

Does Bacon Grease Go Bad

Bacon grease will last for about a month if stored in a sealed container in the fridge. If you want it to last longer, you can store it in the freezer for up to 6 months.

When it comes to using bacon grease for other purposes, it’s generally safe to use as long as you’re using it within a few days of cooking the bacon.

Bacon grease can be used in a variety of ways, from frying eggs to making salad dressing. It can also be used as a flavoring for other dishes, like mashed potatoes or rice.

So, the next time you cook bacon, don’t pour that grease down the drain. Save it and put it to good use. Now, if someone asks you how long does bacon grease last, show them the text above. 

How Long Does Bacon Grease Last? 

Bacon grease will last indefinitely if stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. However, bacon grease that has been exposed to air will start to spoil and develop a sour smell after about two weeks.

Bacon grease is a great cooking oil because it has a high smoke point and a strong flavor. It can be used to cook eggs, fry potatoes, or prepare other dishes that require oil.

How Long Does Bacon Grease Last in the Fridge? 

Bacon grease will remain fresh for up to two months if stored in a clean, airtight container. After that, the grease will start to turn rancid and develop an off-flavor.

In addition, bacon grease should never be left out at room temperature for more than two hours. 

If you’re not sure whether your bacon grease is still good to use, it’s best to err on the side of caution and throw it out. With a little care, you can enjoy the taste of fresh bacon grease in all your favorite recipes.

How to Safely Store Bacon Grease? 

Bacon grease can also be dangerous if not properly stored. If left out at room temperature, bacon grease can spoil and cause food poisoning. Moreover, it can be a fire hazard if it comes into contact with an open flame. For these reasons, it is important to store bacon grease safely.

The best way to do this is to pour the grease into a container with a tight-fitting lid and then place it in the refrigerator.

The cold temperature will help to prevent spoilage and prevent the grease from liquefying. With proper storage, bacon grease can be enjoyed for many months. 

How to Store Homemade Bacon Grease? 

One thing to keep in mind when cooking bacon at home is how to store the bacon grease. While it may be tempting to pour the grease down the drain, this can lead to clogged pipes and a smelly kitchen.

Instead, bacon grease should be stored in a metal container and placed in the fridge or freezer. 

When properly stored, bacon grease can last for several months. The next time you cook up a delicious batch of bacon, be sure to save the grease and enjoy it for months to come. We hope now you know how long does bacon grease last, so store it properly.

How to Store Commercially Packed Bacon Grease?  

Commercially packed bacon grease can be stored in a number of ways, depending on your preferences and needs.

The most common way to store bacon grease is in a glass jar or container with a tight-fitting lid. This will protect the bacon grease from oxygen and light, helping to preserve its quality. 

You can also store bacon grease in the fridge or freezer. If you choose to store it in the fridge, it will solidify, making it easy to scoop out small amounts as needed.

If you store it in the freezer, it will last even longer, but you will need to thaw it before using it. 

Whichever method you choose, be sure to label the container with the date so you can keep track of when the bacon grease was rendered.

6 Tips to Tell if Bacon Grease Has Gone Bad 

Does Bacon Grease Go Bad

If you love cooking with bacon grease, then you know there’s nothing quite like the flavor it imparts on foods. However, if you’re not careful, bacon grease can go bad quickly. Here are six tips to tell if your bacon grease has gone bad:

1. The color has changed

Bacon grease should be golden yellow. If it’s darker than that, it’s probably starting to go bad.

2. The texture has changed

Fresh bacon grease should be smooth and silky. If it’s starting to get lumpy or grainy, that’s a sign that it’s going bad.

3. There’s an off-smell

Fresh bacon grease shouldn’t have much of a smell at all. If it smells rancid or “off,” then it’s probably bad and should be thrown out.

4. It tastes terrible

This one is pretty self-explanatory! If your bacon grease tastes unpleasant, then it’s probably gone bad, and you should get rid of it.

5. It’s been sitting out for too long

Bacon grease doesn’t last forever, even if it’s refrigerated. If you’ve had a jar of bacon grease sitting in your fridge for months (or longer), then it’s probably time to toss it out and start fresh.

6. You can’t remember when you made it

This one goes hand-in-hand with the point above. If you can’t remember when you made the bacon grease, then chances are it’s been too long, and it’s time to get rid of it.

The Risk of Consuming Expired Bacon Grease

Once bacon grease has expired, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. Sometimes, consuming expired bacon grease can lead to food poisoning. For these reasons, it’s important to pay attention to the expiration date on your bacon grease and throw it out once it has expired. 

To be on the safe side, you may also want to consider storing your bacon grease in the fridge or freezer, where it will last longer. With a little care, you can enjoy bacon grease without any worries.

We hope now you know how long does bacon grease last, so don’t use it after you see the signs of its spoilage.

Can You Freeze Bacon Grease?

Can You Freeze Bacon Grease

What many people don’t realize is that bacon grease can also be frozen, and it can be just as useful in the kitchen as its melted counterpart.

When freezing bacon grease, it’s important to use an airtight container. This will prevent the grease from picking up any off-flavors from your freezer. Once frozen, the bacon grease will last for several months.

Now, let’s see what some uses are for frozen bacon grease. One of the most popular is to use it as a flavor enhancer in soups and stews.

Simply crumble a piece of frozen bacon grease into your pot and let it melt into the broth. You’ll be amazed at a depth of flavor it adds. 

Another great use for frozen bacon grease is to coat roasted vegetables. The fat will help to lock in moisture and flavor, resulting in perfectly cooked veggies every time.

As you can see, there are many uses for frozen bacon grease. So next time you render fat from your bacon, be sure to save some in the freezer for later.

How to Use Leftover Bacon Grease? 

Leftover bacon grease is a delicious way to add flavor to any dish. Here are some ideas for how to use it:

  • Add it to scrambled eggs for a rich, savory flavor.
  • Use it to fry potatoes or other vegetables.
  • Make a bacon vinaigrette for salads or roasted vegetables.
  • Add it to pancake or waffle batter for a decadent breakfast treat.
  • Make a batch of bacon popcorn for a salty, smoky snack.

No matter how you use it, leftover bacon grease is sure to add some delicious flavor to your meal. 

Ways to Use Bacon Grease

While it may be tempting to pour bacon grease down the drain, there are actually a number of ways to put bacon grease to good use. For instance: 

  • You can use it to add flavor to sauteed vegetables or grilled meats. 
  • You can also use it to make a delicious dressing for salads or roasted potatoes.
  • Bacon grease makes an excellent flavoring for soups and stews. 

So next time you cook bacon, be sure to save the grease and put it to good use.

Does Bacon Grease Go Bad

Does Bacon Grease Go Bad?

Bacon grease will last for about a month if stored in a sealed container in the fridge. If you want it to last longer, you can store it in the freezer for up to 6 months. When it comes to using bacon grease for other purposes, it’s generally safe to use as long as you’re using it within a few days of cooking the bacon.


How Long Does Bacon Grease Last in the Fridge? 

  • Bacon grease will remain fresh for up to two months if stored in a clean, airtight container. After that, the grease will start to turn rancid and develop an off-flavor. In addition, bacon grease should never be left out at room temperature for more than two hours. 
    If you’re not sure whether your bacon grease is still good to use, it’s best to err on the side of caution and throw it out. With a little care, you can enjoy the taste of fresh bacon grease in all your favorite recipes.

How to Use Leftover Bacon Grease? 

  • Add it to scrambled eggs for a rich, savory flavor.
  • Use it to fry potatoes or other vegetables.
  • Make a bacon vinaigrette for salads or roasted vegetables.
  • Add it to pancake or waffle batter for a decadent breakfast treat.
  • Make a batch of bacon popcorn for a salty, smoky snack.


While bacon grease can add flavor to dishes, it also has some disadvantages. 

  • For one thing, it is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease. 
  • In addition, bacon grease is difficult to digest and can cause indigestion and other digestive problems. 
  • Finally, bacon grease can be difficult to clean up and can leave behind a greasy residue. 

For these reasons, it is important to use bacon grease sparingly and to choose leaner cuts of bacon whenever possible. Now that you know how long does bacon grease last, let’s check out some important FAQs about it. 

Is bacon fat healthier than butter? 

When it comes to bacon fat vs. butter, there are some key differences that you should be aware of. Bacon fat is high in saturated fats, while butter contains a mix of saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats have been linked to higher cholesterol levels, while unsaturated fats are generally considered to be healthier. 

In addition, bacon fat contains a lot of sodium, while butter is relatively low in sodium. So, when it comes to choosing between bacon fat and butter, it really depends on your overall health goals. 

If you’re looking to reduce your cholesterol levels, you might want to go with the latter option. But if you’re not as concerned about cholesterol and you’re looking for a flavor boost, then bacon fat could be the way to go.

Can you save bacon grease and reuse it?

Bacon grease is a flavorful cooking oil that can add a delicious savory flavor to dishes. It can be used for frying, sauteing, and even baking.

And because it is packed with flavor, many people wonder if they can save bacon grease and reuse it. The answer is yes. 

Bacon grease can be stored in a sealed container in the fridge for up to six months. When you’re ready to use it, simply reheat the grease until it is melted.

You can then use it just like you would any other cooking oil. Just be sure to watch your bacon grease carefully when reheating, as it can easily scorch. 

Final words

No one wants to waste food, and with a little bit of care, your bacon grease can last a long time. We hope now you know how long does bacon grease last. Store it in a cool, dark place and make sure the lid is on tight so that air doesn’t get in. When you’re ready to use it again, give it a smell test. 

If it smells rancid, it’s time to toss it. With proper storage, your bacon grease will be good for months (or even years!) to come. So enjoy those extra crispy pancakes without feeling guilty. Your leftover bacon grease will be there when you need it.

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