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Nigella Seed Substitutes – You’ll Love!

Are you in search of Nigella seed substitutes? Read this blog post because in this blog post, we will discuss a few different options that you can use as a substitute for Nigella seeds. Nigella seeds are used in many dishes for their unique flavor and texture.

However, if you don’t have them on hand or they are unavailable in your area, there are plenty of other options to choose from. Keep reading to learn more! 

Nigella Seed Substitutes

Nigella seeds, also known as black cumin seeds, are a popular spice in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. They have a earthy, slightly bitter flavor and are often used to add depth and complexity to curries and other dishes. They can be difficult to find in stores, but there are several good substitutes that can be used in their place

  • Fennel seeds have a similar flavor profile and can be used as a one-to-one replacement in most recipes. 
  • Cumin seeds are also a good option, although they will make the dish somewhat lighter in flavor. 
  • For a more exotic substitute, try using caraway seeds or nigella sativa seeds. These seeds have a similar flavor profile but add a unique twist to dishes.

Let’s discuss the Nigella seed alternative in detail. 

1- Black Sesame Seeds

Black Sesame Seeds

Nigella seeds are unavailable in many parts of the world. However, black sesame seeds can be used as a Nigella seed alternative. Nigella seeds have a distinctively earthy flavor that is reminiscent of onion and garlic. Black sesame seeds have a similar flavor profile, making them a good Nigella seed substitute. 

Moreover, black sesame seeds are often used as a garnish. They are commonly used in Asian cuisine, and are often used to top breads and desserts. They are also a good source of fiber and protein. In addition to being a delicious and nutritious food, black sesame seeds have a number of potential health benefits. 

2- White Sesame Seeds

White Sesame Seeds

White sesame seeds are the most commonly used type of sesame seed. They have a mild, nutty flavor. While they are available year-round, they are typically associated with spring and summer dishes so can easli be used as a Nigella seed substitute.

In addition to being a popular ingredient in many recipes, white sesame seeds are also used as a garnish or topping for various dishes. They can be found in the spice aisle of most grocery stores.

3- Celery Seeds

Celery Seeds

Nigella seeds are a key ingredient in many Indian dishes, but they can be hard to find outside of specialty stores. Celery seed is a great substitute that can be easily found in most spice sections. While the flavor is not exactly the same, celery seed has a similar earthy flavor that works well in many curries and other dishes. 

Furthermore, the small black seeds add a nice visual contrast to the other ingredients. So next time you’re looking for a Nigella seed substitute, give celery seed a try. You may just be pleasantly surprised.

4- Cumin Seeds

Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds make an excellent Nigella seed substitute. Both Nigella and cumin seeds have a similar smoky flavor, making them ideal for use in curries and other dishes. Nigella seeds are also used as a garnish in some Indian recipes, and cumin seeds can be used in the same way. 

In addition, Nigella seeds are black, while cumin seeds are brown. This means that cumin seeds will not stand out as much as Nigella seeds in a dish. As a result, cumin seeds make an ideal substitute for Nigella seed in both cooking and garnishing.

5- Cumin Powder

Cumin Powder

Cumin powder is a popular spice used in many cuisines around the world. It has a pungent, earthy flavor and is often used to season Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. It is made by grinding the dried seeds of the cumin plant.

The seeds are small and brown, and have a ridged texture. When ground, they become a powder that ranges in color from light brown to dark brown.

Cumin powder can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. It is commonly used to season meats, curries, and vegetables. It can also be used to make spice rubs, marinades, and sauces. Cumin powder is an essential ingredient in many Indian dishes, such as garam masala and curry powder.

6- Oregano


Oregano is a perfect substitute of Nigella seeds. Just like Nigella seeds, oregano has a slightly peppery flavor with hints of lemon and sage. It also shares Nigella’s nutritional profile, providing a good source of fiber, iron, and calcium. So the next time your recipe calls for Nigella seeds, reach for the oregano instead. Your taste buds won’t be able to tell the difference.

7- Onion Seeds

Onion Seeds

A good substitute for nigella seeds is onion seeds, which can be found at most grocery stores. Onion seeds have a similar flavor to nigella seeds, and they can be used interchangeably in most recipes.

Additionally, onion seeds can be ground into a powder and used as a spice rub or sprinkled over finished dishes. So if you’re looking to add a bit of flavor to your cooking without tracking down nigella seeds, give onion seeds a try.

8- Caraway Seeds

Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds are the dried fruit of the caraway plant, native to Europe and Asia. The seeds are gray-brown in color and have a crescent shape. They have a bitter, pungent flavor with a hint of anise. They are used as a spice in a variety of cuisines, including German, Hungarian, and Irish dishes. 

In addition to their culinary use, caraway seeds have a long history of medicinal use. They were once believed to ward off evil spirits and protect against enchantment. Today, caraway seeds are still used in traditional medicine for their digestive properties. They are also used in perfumes and soaps for their pleasant fragrance. 

Whether you’re using them in your cooking or your crafting, caraway seeds are a versatile and interesting ingredient and can be used a Nigella seed substitute due to their versatility. 

9- Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are the dried fruits of the fennel plant, an herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. The seeds have a sweet, anise-like flavor and are used as a spice in many cuisines. They can be added to dishes whole or ground, and are often used to flavor fish, sausage, and soup. In addition to their culinary uses, fennel seeds are also purported to have health benefits. 

Some traditional medicine systems believe that they can help with digestion and respiratory problems. T

here is some scientific evidence to support these claims, but more research is needed. Whether you’re using them to flavor your food or harness their potential health benefits, fennel seeds are a versatile and flavorful addition to your pantry. 

Nigella Seed Substitutes

Nigella Seed Substitutes

Are you in search of Nigella seed substitutes? Read this blog post because in this blog post, we will discuss a few different options that you can use as a substitute for Nigella seeds. Nigella seeds are used in many dishes for their unique flavor and texture.
Total Time 2 minutes


  • Black Sesame Seeds
  • White Sesame Seeds
  • Celery Seeds
  • Cumin Seeds
  • Cumin Powder
  • Oregano
  • Onion Seeds
  • Caraway Seeds
  • Fennel Seeds


  • Choose your preferred replacement from the list.
  • Add substitute to your recipe.
  • Make your own delicious recipe.

Can I Use Mustard Seeds Instead Of Nigella Seeds?

Yes, mustard seeds can be used as nigella seed substitute in many recipes. Both are small, black seeds with a nutty flavor. However, the taste and aroma of the two spices are not exactly the same. Nigella seeds have a slightly bitter taste that some people find unpleasant, while mustard seeds are more spicy and pungent.

If you’re using mustard seeds instead of nigella seeds in a recipe, you may need to adjust the amount of spice you use since mustards are generally spicier than nigella seeds. You may also want to add a little extra oil to help balance out the flavors.

Are Poppy Seeds And Nigella Seeds The Same?

Poppy seeds and nigella seeds may look similar, but they are actually quite different. Poppy seeds are much smaller than nigella seeds, and have a more delicate flavor. Nigella seeds, on the other hand, are larger and have a stronger, more pungent flavor.

Poppy seed is often used in baking, while nigella seed is used more often in savory dishes. Both poppy seed and nigella seed can be used to garnish breads and pastries.

So, while poppy seed and nigella seed may appear to be similar, they are actually quite different in terms of taste, texture, and use.

What Does Nigella Seed Taste Like?

Nigella seed tastes like a slightly bitter and pungent black pepper. It’s often used in Indian, Pakistani, and Middle Eastern cuisine.

Are Onion Seeds And Nigella Seeds The Same?

Although onion seeds and nigella seeds may look similar, they are actually quite different. 

  • Onion seeds, also known as roundup or leaf buds, are the smallish, round viable fruits of the onion plant. 
  • Nigella seeds are the large, black seeds of the Nigella sativa plant and are sometimes called black cumin or love-in-a-mist. 

Onion seeds have a slightly sweet flavor with a hint of onion and can be used in baking or added to soups or sauces for extra flavor. Nigella seeds have a pungent, earthy flavor and are often used in Indian cooking. Both sets of seeds can be found in online or specialty spice stores. 


If you’re in a bind and can’t find nigella seeds, there are plenty of substitutes that can give your dish the same flavor profile. Try cumin, aniseed, or caraway seeds as a nigella seed subsitute in your next recipe and ejoy. 

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