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How long does Tuna Salad last

How long does Tuna Salad last

Tuna salad is an excellent meal for warmer days. It’s a healthy dish, low-calorie, and has lots of protein. So, it’s perfect for doing in larger quantities and saving it to eat later. But how long does tuna salad last in the fridge?


How to know if Tuna Salad is bad? 

  • Has mold and/or dark spots
  • Has a sour or funky smell
  • Has an unpleasant taste
  • Texture has changed
  • Exceed 5 days in the fridge
  • Exceed 2 hours at room temperature


Can I Freeze Tuna Salad?

  • If you’re thinking of storing your salad for more than five days, freezing it is an option. However, we cannot always freeze tuna salad (depending on the ingredients we use).